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Sound design

The field of sound design is developing at a rapid pace today, which shows promise. A specialist in the sound design industry is defined as someone who designs sound effects and can control them.

Top notch in sound design.
Original or synthesized noises, detailed sound concept development. We take full responsibility for sound design in commercials, feature-length or documentary films, computer games or mobile applications.

ВиноДевы - Джингл
Джин - Рекламный ролик
Adrenaline Rush - New level of success
AnnBeauty - Техно

Writing music

Select a composer to write an original musical composition.
Create a musical composition in any genre.

We offer professional equipment and comfortable conditions for recording,
for recording with maximum results.

Full range of music production: creating arrangements, writing lyrics, sound design, vocal correction, mixing.

D.ZA Cover Zveri - Дожди пистолеты
Пало Санто - Земля
Хлоя - Там, только там




  • – Creation of arrangements
  • – Writing lyrics
  • – Vocal recording
  • – Music writing
  • – Sound – design
  • – Vocal correction
  • – Slicing
  • – Auto-tune
  • – Mastering
  • – Voice processing
  • – Instrument recording


  • – Channel by channel mixing
  • – Turnkey song
  • – Editing
  • – Sound engineer
  • – Corporate anthem
  • – Sound of commercials
  • – Movie voiceover
  • – Game voicing
  • – Sound of applications